December, 2022

Dear Friends,

We’ve been making progress with “Andrew Foster Memorial Scholarship”, a Texas group headed by Jim Walterhouse, working to sponsor deaf Nigerians for seminary education. With the help of administrators at our school in Nigeria, we’ve identified two hopefuls, and are preparing to get them enrolled at ECWA Theological Seminary in Igbaja, Nigeria. The two men are named Cyprian and John. They have wives and children, and have been serving the Lord at our center in Nigeria for a number of years. Lord willing, Cyprian will be studying Missiology, and John will be studying Christian Education. ECWA is willing to take them on, but we will need to arrange for interpreters for them. Pray that we’ll be able to get all the logistics sorted out so they can start their seminary education soon.

In the Congo, we’re getting close to breaking ground on our new campus outside of Uvira. Pray for wisdom as we manage rapidly increasing costs in the middle of civil unrest. For now, most of the violence and civil unrest is several hours north in the North Kivu province, but the unrest often affects the cost of transporting goods and construction materials.

Indeed, your prayers are coveted.

Tim Foster
Christian Mission for the Deaf