Dear Friends,
As the year draws to a close, we see that God has done much through CMD in spite of a number of challenges.

Clement Abonyi, a ’70s graduate from our Nigeria school, is the founder of AfriDeaf Foundation. They have donated funds and materials to both our Nigeria and Chad schools. The funds were immediately put to use for reconstruction and expansion. Praise God for these wonderful gifts!
The Ebola outbreak in the North Kivu province of DRCongo shows no sign of receding. So far, 540 people have been infected since October 2018, and over 350 have died. Pray for the deaf living in the cities of Bunia, Butembo.
Immediately after the December 30th presidential elections in the Congo, the Telecom minister shut off Internet access for the entire country, supposedly to quell violence. As a result, we’ve been out of contact with our school staff in Likasi, Fizi, Uvira and Bukavu . Pray for peace and a resolution to the elections. Historically, elections in the Congo are a time of widespread violence and civil unrest.
In Him,
Tim Foster