May, 2022

Dear Friends,

The school year is wrapping up, and looking back we can see many blessings from the hand of our Lord.

In Bukavu, one of our young pupils went missing from her home. Her parents were unable to find her for several days and feared the worst. Strangely enough, she turned up three weeks later. Praise God that she’s been returned to her family safe and sound. Pray that incidents like this don’t happen again to our deaf students.

Workers moving bags of cement to the school construction site in Baraka, DRC

In the northern area of the Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Chad, there’s been an increase in militia violence. A rebel group called M23 has been stirring up trouble near the city of Goma in the past few weeks. This is the same city where we plan to host our next Congo Bile Conference. Pray that the violence will subside soon and that our plans for our conference in August will go smoothly and without delays.

In the southern region of the Kivu province, our construction at our school in Baraka is slowing down a bit. As the summer heat increases, workers are having to bring in water from further distances. Despite the increased work requirements, Director Shukuru is happy to report that construction is still moving along nicely, and we’re looking to having the new school operational in a few months. Pray with us that this will happen!

In Him,

Tim Foster
Christian Mission for the Deaf