Dear Friends,
Now that summer is behind us, we’re preparing for the 2020-2021 school session. Covid quarantines have been lifted, and teachers and staff are ready to get the new year started. Additionally, two of our directors and five of our teachers in Chad and the DR Congo will be returning to university under CMD scholarships. Pray that they will continue to do well both in their studies and in their work.
In Uvira (DR Congo), Director Pililo reports that their school year ended with 71 students. Twelve had to drop out due to various health, flooding and Covid concerns. Even despite the flooding in April and Covid lockdown, most students were able to pass their grades, and all the Primary Six students graduated and are now preparing for Secondary School. We’re still waiting the test results for the students who tested to graduate from Secondary School. Pray that they’ll also have passing scores. Pray that we’ll also be able to finally start construction of our new school facility. The land acquisition has been a challenge, but we believe the final steps are in place, and Lord willing, we’ll begin construction in November.

We praise God for Director Shukuru’s recent marriage to Mpasa, a deaf young lady from Goma. Pray for them as they adjust to married life, and that she will make a smooth transition from the big city of Goma to Shukuru’s small town of Baraka (DR Congo). We’re excited to have her on board as our new Primary 3 / Primary 4 teacher!
Great news in Chad: Mission Projects Fellowship will be sponsoring our center in the purchase of a pickup truck! Praise God for meeting this long-standing need. Director Yves reports that they have added seven new students for the 2020-2021 school year, and three additional students cannot come because they live too far away and cannot afford the boarding room rates. Pray that we’ll be able to find sponsors for these families.
Pray with us as we re-evaluate our strategy in Bukavu (DR Congo). Many of the students travel long distances to attend our school. The need is great, but the resources are limited, and transportation is a huge challenge. Pray for wisdom as we explore new options for serving the deaf in this large city.
Indeed, your prayers are coveted.
Tim Foster